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Social Care Training

Click a heading to explore our range of training courses

Our courses can be delivered face to face in your venue, or virtually.
In addition to the courses below, we write bespoke training courses. Get in touch to discuss your training needs.

Newly Qualified Social Workers

Core Skills for Practitioners & ASYE Foundations (Children’s Services) (6 Days) This Course is aimed at: The programme is suitable for Support workers, Social workers, ASYEs and Senior Practitioners from Children’s Services including Early Help. Course Outline: The Core Skills for Practitioners course (formerly known as Back to Basics) is a 5 day programme which takes delegates through the child’s journey from the early identification of need through to statutory interventions – from Early Help to Permanence. This course is ideal as part of an induction programme or as refresher for experienced practitioners to ensure all staff are au fait with the relevant processes and required quality standards for intervention. This course is frequently used to support ASYE’s as it cross references with the Knowledge and skills for child and family social work. Each delegate is given a comprehensive folder of course content including a detailed case study showing a completed chronology, assessment and analysis, hypothesis tree, three houses, three islands, risk matrix and SMART plan. Course Structure: • Day 1: Relationship based, empathic practice, Effective communication skills, working effectively with resistance, critical thinking skills, planning home visits, ethical dilemmas and ethical decision making. • Day 2: The application of social work theory and intervention when undertaking assessments including assessing and managing change. Formulating a hypothesis, undertaking an analysis and developing an outcome focused /measurable support plan using SMART principle, evidencing and capturing the Voice of the child. • Day 3: Child Protection, signs and symptoms of abuse, neglect and brain development, Section 47 enquiries/investigation; undertaking risk assessments and attending the initial Child Protection conference. • Day 4: Children Act 1989, legal threshold and internal legal planning processes, Public Law Outline; placement choices and parental responsibility, permanency planning and Care Planning, Placement and Review regulations. • Day 5: Court Skills session including, court reports, processes, protocols and personnel, rights of audience; various courts and jurisdiction. • (Optional) Day 6: Resilience Workshop. The workshop will introduce new tools and techniques to staff members to help create a more resilient workforce. With the introduction of proven mindfulness and breathing techniques, we work with delegates to help manage their own thought process, how to reframe negativity and how to positively manage stress. This session is delivered by a qualified well-being and mindfulness mentor with the objective of making staff as resilient as possible in both their work and personal lives.

New International Staff: Core Skills for Practitioners & ASYE Foundations (Children’s Services) (6 Days) We have developed our Core Skills for Practitioners to suit the needs of the increasing number of new International Staff. This programme has been run successfully in four authorities across London and the North West as a pilot, and after very positive feedback, we are now offering it out. The content of this training is the same as the standard Core Skills programme, but delivery and interactions are geared towards new international staff, aimed to build their confidence and offer real practical guidance in terms of applying theory to practice Course Structure: • Day 1: Relationship based, empathic practice, Effective communication skills, working effectively with resistance, critical thinking skills, planning home visits, ethical dilemmas and ethical decision making. • Day 2: The application of social work theory and intervention when undertaking assessments including assessing and managing change. Formulating a hypothesis, undertaking an analysis and developing an outcome focused /measurable support plan using SMART principle, evidencing and capturing the Voice of the child. • Day 3: Child Protection, signs and symptoms of abuse, neglect and brain development, Section 47 enquiries/investigation; undertaking risk assessments and attending the initial Child Protection conference. • Day 4: Children Act 1989, legal threshold and internal legal planning processes, Public Law Outline; placement choices and parental responsibility, permanency planning and Care Planning, Placement and Review regulations. • Day 5: Court Skills session including, court reports, processes, protocols and personnel, rights of audience; various courts and jurisdiction. • Day 6: Resilience Workshop. The workshop will introduce new tools and techniques to staff members to help create a more resilient workforce. With the introduction of proven mindfulness and breathing techniques, we work with delegates to help manage their own thought process, how to reframe negativity and how to positively manage stress. This session is delivered by a qualified well-being and mindfulness mentor with the objective of making staff as resilient as possible in both their work and personal lives.

Core Skills for Practitioners (Adult Services) (5-day Course): This Course is aimed at: The programme suitable for Support workers, Social workers, NQSWs and Senior/Advanced Practitioners from Adults Services. • Day 1: Relationship based, empathic practice, Effective communication skills, working effectively with resistance, critical thinking skills, planning home visits, ethical dilemmas and ethical decision making. • Day 2: The application of social work theory and intervention when undertaking assessments including assessing and managing change. Formulating a hypothesis, undertaking an analysis and developing an outcome focused /measurable support plan using SMART principle. • Day 3: Adult Safeguarding, signs and symptoms of abuse, neglect, undertaking risk assessments. • Day 4: Legislation and application: Care Act, Mental Capacity Act, Human Rights • Day 5: Course Skills session including, court reports, processes, protocols and personnel, DoLs and Coroners Court.

Staff Support Workshop (1 Day) In a bid to help your staff handle the increased pressures and stresses which current circumstances have affected us all with, we are now offering a one-day Support Workshop. This workshop is hosted by one of our most experienced trainers with a background in social work, management and counselling. We have trialled some of the key elements of this workshop throughout our Core Skills programmes and the feedback has been incredibly positive, and participants have asked for more content to help them personally and with their job roles. The workshop content will cover: •Stress Management •Coping Mechanisms •Prioritisation •Resilience •Mindfulness •Drop-in clinic for specific issues This workshop will be very flexible, as the content will depend entirely on the group and any particular issues which are raised.

Advanced Practitioners

Core Skills for Advanced Practitioners (Children’s) (2 Days) The course is very practical and provides delegates with strategies and tools which they can immediately implement to support them in becoming more effective in their advanced role. The course is delivered over 2 days. Day One – The Transition from Practitioner to Advanced Social Worker. • Managing the transition from practitioner to Advanced/Senior Practitioner. • Analysis of the role and identified of Key Result Areas. • How to provide constructive feedback – High Support – High challenge. • How to challenge to ensure that intervention is of a high quality, remains child centred and does not drift. • Developing staff and the importance of supervision. • Contingency planning, case direction and managerial oversight • Creating a safe learning environment which enables staff to reflect upon any worries /subconscious bias they may have and the possible impact of their behaviour/concerns on themselves and their practice. Day Two – Developing skills for the role of Advanced Social Worker. • Coaching frameworks to support the continuous professional development of practitioners • Identifying staff stuck in patterns of behaviour using Kolb’s learning cycle and strategies to move them on • Reflective practice with a focus upon the needs of the child • Reflective supervision using the tools taught on the ASYE/ Practitioners course (mind maps; Hypothesis trees; analysis framework and risk assessing.

Management & Leadership

Core Leadership and Management Skills & Aspiring Leaders (Children’s and Adults) (5 Days) The course is very practical and provides delegates with strategies and tools which they can immediately implement to support them in becoming more effective in their managerial role. It takes delegates through their managerial journey: from managing the transition from Practitioner to Manager, managing themselves, their teams and individuals within the teams and effectively managing a change process. The course is delivered in 5 modules spanning 5 days. Module 1: Managing the Transition from Practitioner to Manager including individual learning analysis; impact of managerial style on self and others; role analysis and identification of core activities; Kolb’s learning styles and avoidance of dependent management Module 2: Managing Self including time management strategies, effective delegation and prioritisation of work to achieve high purpose results, project management skills using the example of assessment planning, quality assurance of practice, assessing managerial risks including managing high caseloads and evidencing clear managerial decision making processes Module 3: Managing in Groups and Teams; consideration of autocratic and democratic management styles and when to use them, analysis of team dynamics and developing team building strategies which empower teams to become more effective rather than creating dependency. Strategies which support retention of staff are also discussed. The role of the Leader and exploration of when to use different leadership styles and the impact on a group when it is Leaderless. It includes Belbin Team roles and how to undertake a socio metric analysis. Module 4: Managing Individuals including developing coaching programmes and undertaking poor performance interviews; motivating staff; developing individual improvement plans and undertaking training needs analyses. The management of staff with personal problems which impact upon the workplace using managerial support conversations is discussed as is the recording and use of reflective supervision techniques. Module 5: Managing Change/Service Development, using their own ‘live’ projects managers will learn how to follow a clearly defined four stage process for implementing change. Managers will create a vision for improvement, develop communication charts; undertake stakeholder analysis; SWOT analysis; devise and monitor implementation plans and learn strategies for reviewing milestones.

Step up in to Management (3 days) Module 1: Managing the Transition from Practitioner to Manager including individual learning analysis; impact of managerial style on self and others; role analysis and identification of core activities; Kolb’s learning styles and avoidance of dependent management Module 2: Managing Self including time management strategies, effective delegation and prioritisation of work to achieve high purpose results, project management skills using the example of assessment planning, quality assurance of practice, assessing managerial risks including managing high caseloads and evidencing clear managerial decision making processes Module 3: Managing in Groups and Teams; consideration of autocratic and democratic management styles and when to use them, analysis of team dynamics and developing team building strategies which empower teams to become more effective rather than creating dependency. Strategies which support retention of staff are also discussed. The role of the Leader and exploration of when to use different leadership styles and the impact on a group when it is Leaderless. It includes Belbin Team roles and how to undertake a socio metric analysis.

Open Courses

Core Skills - Open Courses We host Open Core Skills Courses throughout the year, with our Core Skills for Practitioners and Core Skills for Managers sessions running between 4-6 times per year. These sessions are on a pay-per-place basis – perfect for if you don’t have enough staff needing the training to book our courses in-house. These sessions have become an important part of ongoing training and ASYE training for several local authorities. To get the latest dates head to the website (below) or get in touch.

Miscellaneous Courses

Strength Based Leadership & Motivational Interviewing (1-2 Day/s) Course Overview: The course is a one-day course aimed at Team Managers with responsibility for the support and management of practitioners. The course focuses upon the development of both teams and individuals using a strength based approach and how the use of motivational interviewing techniques can support staff engagement. In a safe environment, the course will encourage delegates to reflect upon their current managerial style (including how they are managed); the long and short term impact of directive management and how to work towards a more collaborative leadership approach. The course aims to support delegates in identifying any potential barriers to the effective implementation of a strength based approach and exploring how these pitfalls may be overcome. The course is very practice based and whilst overviews of strength-based theories/approaches will be covered, the main focus will be upon how the theories and approaches can be used in practice. Course outcomes By the end of the course delegates will: •Have reflected upon their own managerial style and considered strategies to help them develop a more strength-based approach, if required •Have had the opportunity to reflect upon the longer term impact of using directive vs non directive forms of management and will have considered differing managerial styles and their use in every day practice •Have a clearer understanding of how to increase team and individual performance , motivation and engagement through the use of a strength based collaborative approach •Will have a clearer understanding of how to actually use strength based approaches in their practice including how to incorporate motivational interviewing techniques in day to day work.

Core Skills for Practice Assessors (1 Day) This course is designed for assessors supporting, supervising and assessing the performance and development of Newly Qualified Social Workers (NQSW’S). The course begins by setting the scene to the ASYE programme in terms of the Practice Assessor role and requirements, frameworks to be used, the important of evidencing the PCF and timescales for completion. Once delegates understand the framework and requirements of the role they then go on to complete an analysis of their role to identify when they are employed in high purpose/ proactive activities vs low purpose reactive activities. For the NQSW to have a purposeful first year in employment it is imperative that the practice assessor is able to plan their own work in a timely and effective manner. Following the analysis, the Practice Assessors will then reflect upon their ‘working week’ with a focus upon introducing time management techniques. The afternoon session focuses upon the identification of training needs and creation of coaching plans which monitor the ongoing development of the professional capabilities of the NQSW against the PCF. The identification of any underperformance issues are discussed as are strategies to support the NQSW at an early stage to avoid didactic practice and reactivity at formal review. The final part of the session focuses upon the well-being of both the Practice Assessor and the NQSW to ensure that they are both able to discuss cases/issues reflectively to stimulate critical thinking and draw out ideas and presuppositions. Learning Outcomes By the end of the training session Practice Assessors will •Have a clearer understanding of the ASYE programme and its requirements in relation to the Practice Assessor and NQSW •Will have analysed and reflected upon their current role and identified areas where they are acting reactively and the impact of this style of management on supervision and learning •Have considered the application of time management techniques designed to enable the Practice Assessor to function in a planned/reflective state structuring their work and empowering the NQSW to develop their own critical thinking skills •Be given the opportunity to understand how to create a detailed Training and Development Plan which complements the NQSW’S Professional Development Plan and is then used as a monitoring tool to assess ongoing professional development and achievement of agreed learning objectives against the PQS (KSS) and PCF. •Be more confident in giving feedback including on observed practice, and acting as a critical friend to stimulate critical thinking and challenge any unconscious bias •Have a framework for assessing and managing under performance at an early stage to ensure that remedial action can be put in place in a timely manner •Have had the opportunity to identify their own learning needs and to reflect upon their own emotional wellbeing in a safe environment.

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (1 Day) Learning Objectives: 1.Understand the principles and legal requirements of promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion in social care settings. 2.Recognize and appreciate the value of cultural diversity in social care practice. 3.Develop skills to effectively assess and respond to the diverse needs of individuals from different cultural backgrounds. 4.Demonstrate an understanding of the potential impact of discrimination on individuals and their families within social care contexts. 5.Explore strategies for creating inclusive and supportive environments that foster positive self-image and identity for individuals in social care. 6.Enhance knowledge of cultural norms and their influence on the delivery of social care services. 7.Develop strategies for working collaboratively with individuals and families from diverse backgrounds. 8.Gain confidence in identifying and addressing situations where cultural norms may pose risks to the well-being of individuals in social care. 9.Apply inclusive and culturally sensitive approaches in the assessment, planning, and intervention processes within social care practice. 10.Reflect on personal biases and assumptions to cultivate a more inclusive and culturally sensitive approach to social care provision.

Court Skills (1 Day) A one-day Court Skills introduction session including, court reports, processes, protocols and personnel, rights of audience; various courts and jurisdiction. The course aims to: •Enhance the ability of those who are required as witnesses to give evidence effectively and confidently and to improve skills in presenting a case and responding to cross-examination. •Give participants an understanding of court structure and protocol •Prepare delegates to be able to prepare and deliver evidence confidently in the court setting •Prepare delegates to understand the protocols used by various courts •Increase knowledge of court systems and personnel •Equip delegates with the requirements and skills required to present court reports

Social Work Case Recording (1 Day) A one-day course aimed at social workers, looking at case recording best practice. Over the duration of the course, we will: •Define the significance of comprehensive case recording in social work practice. •Underline the importance of evidencing the voice of the child and describe the life journey. •Explain how effective case notes contribute to client welfare, legal compliance, and organisational accountability. •Identify and comprehend the legal and ethical standards governing case recording in social work. •Apply a working knowledge of confidentiality, consent, and data protection regulations in the context of case notes. •Look at how to record the difference between hearsay and factual information. •Learn how to structure case notes systematically for clarity and coherence. •Demonstrate the ability to organize information in a manner that supports easy retrieval and understanding. •Develop effective written communication skills tailored for case notes. •Explore techniques for conveying complex information concisely and accurately in case recording. •Learn how to assess and document risk factors accurately in case notes. •Understand the importance of maintaining objectivity in case recording. •Explore strategies for ensuring cultural sensitivity and avoiding bias in case notes. •Explore methods for sharing information appropriately with other professionals and agencies.

Advanced CSE Awareness course (1 Day) Participants will examine: • Consider what we mean by Child Sexual Exploitation and what we mean by term trafficking • Examine the prevalence of CSE, who the victims and the relevant legislation • Learn about different models of child sexual exploitation, including online vulnerabilities • Identify the indicator and risk factors that create vulnerability and can lead children and young people into sexual exploitation. • Explore who the preparators are and the grooming process • Learn how to spot the signs and indicators that a child may be being exploited • Discuss the CSE hot stops • Consider the impact of CSE on victims and parents and discuss why young people don’t disclose abuse • Examine the responsibilities of practitioners in responding to concerns about CSE including social care, police, and other services • Understand the referral procedures, CSE toolkits and CSE operational group. • Explore the specialist organisations available for support and therapeutic intervention.

Advanced Domestic Abuse Awareness course (1 Day) Participants will examine: • What constitutes domestic abuse, the different forms of abuse including Forced Marriage and Honour Based Abuse • Consider the prevalence of domestic abuse, who the victims are, who the perpetrators are and understand the specific legislation • Discuss the components of domestic abuse including Duluth Model • The impact of domestic abuse on the adult victim and how this may affect parenting capacity. • Why individuals stay in abusive relationships • The impact, experiences, and effect on children of living with domestic abuse • Assessing risks, strengths, and needs • Examine how to respond to concerns and the role of police, social care and independent domestic abuse advocates. • Discuss the DASH risk assessment, Operation Enhance and MARAC • Explore the specialist organisations available for support

Parental Mental Health (1 Day) Participant will: • Understand the nature and impact that different types of parental mental health problems can have on children. • Be aware of how this can impact on children's day-to-day lives. • Have a more detailed knowledge of local and national guidance relating to working with families affected by parental mental health problems. • Understand their own and other agencies' roles in identifying, assessing and protecting vulnerable children where parental mental health problems are a feature

Neglect Awareness course (1 Day) Participants will examine: • Understand what we mean by child neglect and different types of neglect and which children are at greater risk • Consider why neglect happens • The long- and short-term impact of neglect on children on brain development, mental and physical health and relationships • Be able to recognise the common warning signs that indicate child neglect is taking place including physical, behavioural and developmental indicators • Understand how to respond appropriately to concerns about neglect and when it becomes a child protection issues. • Examine the Graded Care Profile tool to help in decisions • Discuss the importance of early help and other resources.

Harmful sexual behaviour in children & young people Advanced course (1 Day) On completion of this course, participants will be able to: • Understand what we mean by ‘sexuality’ and ‘sexualised behaviour’ • Analyse the difference between healthy, problematic and harmful sexualised behaviour • Look at and explore the sexual behaviour continuum • Assess potential indicators of sexualised behaviour • Define main components of sexual offences act 2003 • Analyse possible causes and influences on sexualised behaviour • Understand the different pathways into sexualised behaviour • Examine how sexually inappropriate behaviour is assessed using specialist assessment tools and importance of specialist intervention services • Consider how to support children who exhibit or are affected by sexualised behaviour. • Understand how to report concerns, referral procedures and sources of external support and advice

Adolescent to Parent Violence (1 Day) This course aim is to enable staff to gain an understanding of Adolescent to Parent Violence (APVA). This course explains what APVA is, different types of behaviours and the statistics, relevant laws and understand the Polices and Youth Offending Teams response. The course also looks at the impact of domestic abuse may have on children and risk factors. There is also information on how to support parents and adolescent and the link between safeguarding and the importance of making referrals to social care and working in partnership. Course Objectives: • To know what Adolescent to Parent Violence (APVA) is • To know the research and statistics around APVA • To understand the Police and Criminal Justice Response to APVA • To be aware of the vulnerabilities • To know the impact of domestic abuse and APVA on children • To be aware of key risk factors and red flags • To understand home interventions • To understand support and safety planning • To be aware of the national helplines and organisations

Resilience and Wellbeing at Work (1 Day) An ideal course for both team members and team managers. Even in more ordinary times, workplace pressures and emotional wear and tear get less focus than they should. Support your team to recognise indicators of workplace stress and to strengthen and build their resilience and well-being over the long-term. For Team members and managers in all professional settings Aims To explore the connection between stress, resilience and wellbeing and the impact on our emotional health at work To improve knowledge on the causes and impact of stress To recognise your indicators of stress and how to manage that more effectively over the long term in the workplace Identify practical steps we can take individually and, in our teams, to build resilience over the long term Learning Outcomes By the end of the course, participants should have: •Clarified what resilience is and its relationship to stress and crisis management within the workplace •Be able to assess and identify indications of stress in ourselves and understand when and how to apply coping mechanisms •An understanding of the habits, behaviours and skills that can improve our resilience and wellbeing •Discussed and decided on what practical steps we can take individually and as teams to build resilience and manage stress

Modern Slavery Awareness Training (2 days) Modern Slavery is the exploitation of humans for personal or commercial gain. It includes slavery, servitude, forced labour, criminal exploitation and human trafficking. At any one time there are thousands of children and adults enslaved in the UK. But, despite the devastating impact it can have on individuals and communities it remains a complex crime that can largely go unnoticed in our society. This course is designed to raise awareness and improve knowledge on how to identify, report and support potential victims. It is beneficial for anyone that may come into contact with any aspect of modern slavery – volunteers, frontline professionals, management and those responsible for influencing policy within their organisation. The course will cover: Definitions and understanding of what Modern Slavery is in the UK and globally Examination of the main types of Modern Slavery prevalent in the UK today and how they are categorised and reported on in the National Referral Mechanism How to identify victims and understand the challenges of disclosure Reflection and learning on how your sector and you can improve on identification, reporting and support to victims of Modern Slavery For Any sector volunteers or professionals that work in frontline services Aims To improve awareness of what Modern Slavery is, in a UK and global context To establish the various forms Modern Slavery takes and how it is categorised and reported on in the UK To understand how victims of Modern Slavery are recruited and why they stay To establish what improvements can be made in your sector to identify victims and combat Modern Slavery in the UK Objectives To define and understand what Modern Slavery is in the UK and globally To examine the main types of Modern Slavery prevalent in the UK today and how they are categorised and reported on in the National Referral Mechanism To learn how to identify victims and understand the challenges of disclosure Reflect on and learn how your sector and you can improve on identification, reporting and support to victims of Modern Slavery.

No Recourse to Public Funds (1 day) Develop your knowledge and skills to effectively respond to requests for accommodation and financial support made by families who are unable to access benefits and housing assistance due to their immigration status. Objectives •To understand how immigration status affects entitlement to services •To be able to establish when accommodation/ financial support can be provided to a family with no recourse to public funds under the Children Act 1989 •To know when and how to undertake a Human Rights Assessment •To identify an appropriate exit pathway and how to support a family to achieve this


Undertaking Reflective Supervision (1 Day) Reflective supervision underpins good practice with children and families. This course is suitable for all levels of management and advanced roles which have a supervision role. Course content: 1. What is reflective supervision 2. Models to support reflective practice 3. Recording supervision 4. Tools for reflective supervision 5. Analysis and critical thinking 6. Emotional resilience

Getting the most out of supervision for Practitioners This one day course delivered online via zoom is suitable for case-holding practitioners who receive reflective supervision. The course will offer an opportunity to gain insight into how to prepare for supervision, how to maximise its effectiveness to support practice and will include an active learning element too. Learning Outcomes: By the end of the session delegates will have had the opportunity to: •Understand their responsibility around preparation and participation in effective supervision. •Gain a better understanding of the importance of reflective supervision •Learn how to prepare for their supervision to maximise its effectiveness using Kolb’s learning cycle. •Gain an understanding of how supervision supports practice development and performance management •Reflect upon their own learning style and how it impacts on colleagues/staff •Understand the importance of clear, evidential and ethical decision making relating to both self-needs and case discussions.

Company Information

Griffin Care Training Ltd.

Company Number: 09564806

VAT Number: GB 211980719    


Registered in England & Wales

Contact Details


​0151 351 7546



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